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Dead Body Bags and The Need To Sanitize The Collection of Dead Humans in Disaster Management.

We are living in a world where diverse large scale disasters frequently pops up without the slightest pre-warning or notice. disasters imposed by human error or those imposed by Acts of God have far reaching cataclysmic impact on the overall sync of nature and its adherents eg humans, animals and plants.

The need for proper post emergency management cannot be treated with levity when it comes to issues like these. Questions are being asked "in disasters like these ,what do we do?"

Statistics have it that 80% of natural disasters occurs in natural disaster prone areas of the world, like south-east Asia, north America, southern Europe and part of the Scandinavians.Image result for pictures of hurricanes on land                                    Image result for pictures of tornadoes on land
Hurricane in motion (USA)                                    Tornado in motion(Philippines)

We also know that 95%  of self-imposed disasters like those brought about by human errors have been active in mainly Saharan Africa and the middle east.
Image result for pictures of war and disease africa 2010         Image result for isis massacres
Malnourished in Africa.                    Terrorist activities in the middle-east

In the light of all these diverse global disasters, corporate post disaster management procedures and action plans must be up and ready in other to meet the aftermath headlong.
Every single second after a disaster has occurs is very very critical to the overall outcome and turn of events. we have witnessed situations where poorly managed post disaster management practice even led to more deaths surpassing the initial disaster itself.
we have seen cholera and other water borne diseases wreck havoc on innocent populations who just until recently were lucky survivors of a natural or self inflicted disaster.

At death the human body decomposes at a  supersonic rate, and if left unattended to , in a short while could lead to acute environmental pollution, bringing with it , dire consequences on the entire population. 
Here in Africa, the dead are even more respected than the living,hence the very very very elaborate funeral parties which are usually well attended by well wishers of the dead  Africa. It  therefore smacks of gross disrespect when bodies of supposed victims are hauled in to open back trucks and transported like goats, with their blood spilling all over the main roads;
                                         victims of the recent ozubulu massacres in south-east Nigeria 

                                         aftermath of a fire disaster in south-west Nigeria 

                              victim of the boko-haram terrorist activities in north west Nigeria.

 yes we see things like these very very often , from the accident scene , to when the police arrives and then haul the dead into open back trucks to various hospitals and mortuaries closest to the scene of disaster. Very pathetic, isn't it?

KADDOSH VENTURES AND SOLUTIONS FORECLOSURES will not stay back and watch this continuous display of contempt for the dead, which of course cannot be blamed on any one specifically. 

We are currently in liaison with of one of the biggest dead body bag manufacturers around , with the sole aim of making these products viable at a friendly price to the police, army, national emergency agency, federal road safety commission FRSC, and other well meaning and charitable organization who are financially capable of buying these high quality DEAD BODY BAGS FROM kaddosh ventures and making them available to these agencies mentioned above.

Our prices are friendly and our quality is world class, lets sanitize the way we treat our dead.


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